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it.DSGVO HCM-Roadmap

GPDR Compliance in SAP HCM Thanks to Our ILM-Based Blocking and Deletion Checklist

Start and plan your GPDR activities in SAP HCM now. Among other things, our ILM-based blocking and deletion checklist supports you in this. Our it.GPDR HCM roadmap package offers you the perfect start to implementing GPDR requirements in SAP HCM. In our joint workshop, we determine your status quo for data use and storage in the SAP HCM environment and develop suitable measures as well as an activity plan to optimize the status quo.



Individual GDPR SAP HCM roadmap for your company


Transparent blocking and deletion concept at a glance

GPDR Compliance

Legal and operational data protection requirements


Developing and Implementing YOUR Company's Individual SAP ILM HCM Solution

After a joint assessment of the current situation, we define in a pragmatic and down-to-earth manner which recommendations for action will help you to implement the individual GPDR-compliant handling of personal data in SAP HCM in YOUR company.


Example of a workshop schedule. The exact workshop procedure will be created according to your task in the run-up to the workshop:

  • Introduction and procedure
  • GPDR and HCM
  • Information Lifecycle Management (ILM)
  • System configuration
  • Example data destruction
  • Destruction lock
  • ILM-HCM checklist
  • Interfaces & Subsystems


The workshop goes through three phases. Our experts prepare the HCM-ILM checklists according to the analyses, methodology and rules are taught and deepened to create your concrete roadmap. At the end of the workshop, a result documentation, such as workshop minutes, roadmap incl. recommendations for action, preferably as a PDF document, will be delivered.

A workshop duration of 1.5 workshop days is recommended. Alternatively, the workshop can also be held as a 1-day workshop, depending on the scope of the workshop.


Availability of the following groups of people in the affected HCM & IT departments

  • Management / decision makers
  • Selected department employees
  • Data protection officer

Rooms and technology for the workshop

If the workshop is held at the client's premises, please provide the following equipment:

  • Internet access (if necessary, we will access our demo systems to demonstrate functions by way of example)
  • If necessary, access to the customer's internal SAP systems
  • Projector with VGA or HDMI connection
  • Flipchart and / or whiteboard    

Customer References

Request a Workshop

Want to know more about how we can set up a workshop for your team or business?
Simply fill out the form and we will contact you to discuss the details together. Looking forward to hear from you.