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Innovation Workshop with Design Thinking

Solving Complex Challenges with a Team

In this interactive workshop Design Thinking is used as an established methodology for creating innovations and solving complex problems through a structured and methodical approach. Focused on stakeholders and human needs, Design Thinking brings together interdisciplinary perspectives in order to understand complex problems in an iterative way, to generate ideas for solutions and testing them with low-resolution prototypes.


Interdisciplinary Team

Cross-divisional perspectives in a team

Creativity & Prototyping

Results-oriented hands-on approach and methods

Structure & Process

With a proven and iterative process to the goal


How the Workshop Can Help

You have to crack a very specific business nut or there is a vague idea in which area a change is necessary, but the whole thing is still difficult to grasp? Then this workshop is suitable for letting you and a team of six to eight experts from your company be guided through the process by one of our facilitators, at the end of which there is a common understanding, concrete ideas and prototypes for solving the challenge. Go on an interactive journey with us!


According to the HPI, the process consists of six steps (understand, observe, synthesize, ideation, prototype, test) and in this workshop all phases are run through in succession. The test here is a presentation to the workshop team as a preliminary step to a test with real users, which is recommended after the workshop.


Depending on the task and team size, the appropriate methods from the Design Thinking toolbox are used in the workshop to get step-by-step in short work units from a common understanding of the task to numerous solution ideas and low-resolution prototypes. Our facilitator guides the team through the process with instructions and timeboxing.


  • Example procedure for a workshop. The exact workshop process is created based on your task in the run-up to the workshop:
  • Welcome and organizational matters
  • Warmup game
  • Postcards to Grandma method to describe the challenge
  • Method 5 Why for a deeper understanding of the status quo
  • Personas method to understand stakeholders and / or users
  • “How might we…?” Method to focus on specific problems
  • Brainwriting method for generating ideas
  • Crazy 8 method for further generation of ideas
  • Prototyping to make the ideas understandable and to test them
  • Presentations of the prototypes
  • Completion and next steps
  • Like I like, I wish


The two-day workshop variant can be set up in such a way that it is either deepened in one run of the process or two iterative runs of the process or parts of it. This enables the results and assumptions in the second run to be refined or adjusted by the knowledge from the first run.


The workshop is carried out by one of our facilitators and a diverse team of six to eight of your experts.

For the workshop we recommend it to be carried out in our Design Thinking room in Bielefeld or Dortmund. Of course we are also happy to come to you. A suitable room contains as few standing tables, whiteboards or metaplan walls and has lots of free wall space (for short-term fixing of the work results) and plenty of daylight. A projector or large screen could also be useful. Drinks and the opportunity for lunch should be provided, as well as a parking space near the workshop room. The facilitator will bring the necessary material (sticky notes, pens etc.) to the workshop.

The preparation includes a discussion of the general conditions and support in formulating the precise challenge for the workshop. Shortly after the workshop you will receive a photo protocol with the workshop results and descriptions of the methods. If desired, the workshop can also be carried out on a one-day basis (including preparation and follow-up).

Request a Workshop

Want to know more about how we can set up a workshop for your team or business?
Simply fill out the form and we will contact you to discuss the details together. Looking forward to hear from you.